Nashville Rescue Mission April 29

We have the opportunity to volunteer at the Nashville Rescue Mission on April 29th from 10:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. at the men's campus. There are 13 available slots to fill so please consider signing up. Duties could include food prep, food and drink service, washing dishes, dining hall clean up, or sorting and organizing items. Each volunteer will need to complete a reservation.
Click here to reserve your place:
Click here for the waiver and release form if you would like your child to volunteer with you. Your child needs to be at least 10 years old to volunteer.
About the Nashville Rescue Mission:
In 1954, the Mission opened its doors to provide food, clothing and shelter to homeless men in the Nashville community. In 1968, the Mission expanded to meet the needs of the increasing numbers of homeless women and children in the community.
Nashville Rescue Mission is a Christ-centered community dedicated to providing hope for today, tomorrow and eternity to the hungry, homeless and hurting in Middle Tennessee.
The address is
639 Lafayette Street
Nashville, TN 37203